The IDB has conducted a biodiversity audit of its district and identified those habitats and species that would benefit from particular management or actions by the IDB. Using this information the IDB‟s Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) has been developed.
The Plan identifies objectives for the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity within the drainage district, and goes on to describe targets and actions that will hopefully deliver these objectives.
The intention is to integrate, as appropriate, biodiversity into the Board‟s activities, such as annual maintenance programmes and capital works projects.
Biodiversity Action Plan
This has been prepared in accordance with the commitment in the Implementation Plan of the DEFRA Internal Drainage Board Review for Internal Drainage Boards to produce their own Biodiversity Action Plans by April, 2010.
It also demonstrates the Board‟s commitment to fulfilling its duty as a public body under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 to conserve biodiversity.
Many of the Board‟s activities have benefits for biodiversity, not least its water level management and ditch maintenance work.
It is hoped that this Biodiversity Action Plan will help the Board to maximise the biodiversity benefits from its activities and demonstrate its contribution to the Government‟s UK Biodiversity Action Plan targets.
Goole&Airmyn IDB Biodiversity Action Plan
Reedbed Creation and Restoration (1)
Farmland Management for Birds (1)
Farmland Management for Mammals (1)