

Membership of an IDB includes Elected and Nominated Members.

Elected Members may be any person who owns or occupies land within the Drainage District or is nominated by a landowner or occupier of the drainage district.

Nominated Members may be any person nominated by levy-paying Councils.

Please contact the Clerk should you have an interest in becoming a Member.


The current term of office for Elected Members is 3 years with an election of members at the end of each term.

The next election will take place 30th October 2024. Please see the posted notices below for more information.

April 2024 Inspection Notice

Approval of Electoral Register 2024

Board Members

Glyn Williams (Nominated)  Cllr Margaret Armiger (Nominated)
 David Forington (Elected)  Adrian Black (Elected)
 Cllr Helen Rowson (Nominated)  Benjamin Jackson (Elected)
 George Strawson (Elected)  Chris Black (Elected)
Cllr Ian Fleetwood (Nominated)  David Barratt (Elected)
Paul Metheringham (Elected) Will Forrington (Elected)

Publications relating to Board conduct;

Division of Responsibilities- Chairman & Clerk

Scunthorpe & Gainsborough duties and responsibilities of Members

Scheme of Delegation

Schedule of Reserved Matters

Board Member Code of Conduct

Register of Members Interests



 Robert Kissaglis (Elected)  Cllr Lesley Rollins (Nominated)
 Mrs Janet Longcake (Nominated)  Cllr Ralph Ogg (Nominated)
 Tony Ellerby (Nominated)  Cllr Neil Poole (Nominated)
 Cllr Trevor Foster (Nominated)  Samuel Godfrey (Elected)
1 nominated member vacancy