ADA POSITION STATEMENT ON BRITAIN’S DECISION TO LEAVE THE EU The Association of Drainage Authorities’ (ADA) primary goal is to act as a national body to represent the interests of the drainage, water level and flood risk management industry. Water management is driven by our climatic environment and, with last week’s decision to take Britain out of the EU, ADA will continue to advocate for the correct levels of investment and public awareness in this crucial area, for the wellbeing of our nation. ADA will also continue to share knowledge and information with a wide variety of partners inside and outside Britain, and in particular, with colleagues from the European Union of Water Management Associations (EUWMA).
At this important time, whilst engineering Britain’s exit from the EU, it is essential that our Government retains appropriate focus on flood and water level management. ADA will work hard to ensure that these matters remain in the sights of our political decision makers.
The direction of travel for our industry remains unaltered, and there is no suggestion that the recent events should significantly change that. We all have a passion for our industry and want to ensure the right things are done locally to provide the best quality of life for people and the environment, and that enthusiasm and devotion will continue.
ADA does not expect immediate dramatic changes in the rules and regulations affecting our industry. Indeed, we should all tread with care so as not to undo the excellent progress made in putting the industry in a position where the public have shown an increasing trust in how we manage and maintain our water environment.
Regardless of the recent vote to leave the EU, legally the UK will remain a full member of the EU until our Government formally gives notice under Article 50 and two years of negotiation have been completed. The Government has said that this will not happen until a new leader of the Conservative Party (and thus the new prime minister) is in place.
ADA will therefore be carefully monitoring developments in close collaboration with the Environment Agency and Defra as the process of EU exit progresses. We re-emphasise the need for our industry to take a “business-as-usual” approach and avoid knee-jerk reaction or misinterpretation of what the EU exit process means for us as water level managers.
Henry Cator, OBE DL Chairman
Robert Caudwell Vice-Chairman
Innes Thomson Chief Executive